musings · observations · Saturday · Tossing It Out A to Z Challenge · Uncategorized

Saturday, the fine art of doing nothing…

Do you know what I am really good at?  Nothing!  Not that I am not good at anything, there are some things  that I am quite good at doing. But I am really super good at doing nothing.

I can sit and look out the window for hours.  Doesn’t have to be a great view or anything interesting happening out there.  In fact, I don’t even have to look out the window, I can do nothing very well just sitting anywhere.

I know people who must be moving and doing all the time.  I don’t understand them.  But then they don’t understand me.  And that’s okay.  Part of what is really neat about doing nothing is that when you get to be an expert at nothing then you aren’t bothered by much of anything.

As an expert in the fine art of doing nothing I know this to be true.

There are exceptions.  Politicians are people who are experts at doing nothing who are always bothered by something.  But then politicians are a breed unto themselves.  Nobody understands them.  They don’t even understand each other.

Now if I could just get paid for this nothing thing. Oh, wait then I would be  politician…


8 thoughts on “Saturday, the fine art of doing nothing…

  1. Patricia, thank you for an entertaining post. It’s true that some people don’t know how to relax. That’s sad. I’d like to say that relaxing isn’t doing nothing. (Is that a double negative?) It’s relaxing. We need to be able to relax. I’m glad you are good at it. I’m sure that you work and do what must be done in life, and you do it better because you take time to relax. Blessings to you, Patricia…

    1. Carol, if I am down in the dumps,sometimes it happens, not often, I am going to call on you. You have the Spirit’s gift of encouragement for sure! Thank you.

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